The key to success in the HORECA channel – Profit margins according to products

The key to success in the HORECA channel – Profit margins according to products

One of the fundamental pillars for the success of Horeca establishments is the profit margin, which is achieved after a transaction with the customer. It is essential for a business to have a well-planned portfolio of highly profitable products and their combination with other types of products.

What are the high-yield products?

Products with a high profit for the establishment are those that are cheap to buy and easy and quick to produce. ZUMit Smoothies are a 100% natural IQF fruit and vegetable drink with these characteristics. It is a cheap product, it is highly profitable, it is easy to produce and it does not require training or specialisation in a sector with a high turnover of personnel.

Without good business planning and management, such establishments can fail. According to 2022 data from the National Institute of Statistics (INE), 60% of these establishments tend to do so in their first three years, they think that the key to success is to have a good kitchen, but they do not pay attention to the management of their product portfolio.

Anyone working in the hospitality industry knows which products to try to sell more of in order to increase profit, but they also have to know how to combine them with products that do not have that profitability, but do have an impact on the ‘customer experience’, which is another key to success in the HORECA channel.

In short, the key to achieving highly profitable products is the price at which you buy them and the time and effort you spend in making them.

Our IQF frozen fruit and vegetable Smoothies are 100% natural, a key product in the success of any HORECA establishment, they are products with a low price, easy to prepare, in less than a minute you have it on the table, and with a controlled unit cost (zero wastage).

If you are looking for a key product for your business, you can contact our sales representatives for more details. Join the ‘ZUMit LOVERS Community’!

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