The best fruits and vegetables to fight flu and colds

The best fruits and vegetables to fight flu and colds

In these times when temperature changes increase the number of colds and flus, we would like to highlight which are the best fruits and vegetables according to a recent study by the University of Oxford to combat them and stop them in a natural way. You can find these fruits and vegetables in our Frozen Fruit Smoothies and Cold Press juices on the ZUMit website.

When the cold weather arrives, there is an increased risk of getting cold or flu, which leads to a weakening of our immune system. Fruits and vegetables will help with their nutrients to strengthen our immune system. Creating a healthy habit all year round will make you less likely to get sick at this time of year.

Oranges and lemons

These citrus fruits are among the best choices for their high vitamin C content, as well as other vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and essential amino acids. It is also a natural remedy for sore throats and coughs.

Strawberries, blueberries and cherries

Red berries are fruits with a high amount of vitamin C and antioxidants that can help us strengthen our immune system.


Pineapple is notable for its potassium, iodine and vitamin C content. It also contains bromelain, which helps to reduce the mucus and inflammation that forms in the throat when you have a cold.


This fruit has vitamin C and A, both of which prevent the development and complication of flu and colds. It is also diuretic, prevents cardiovascular ailments and takes care of your bones thanks to its vitamin K.


Mangoes have vitamin C and are ideal for treating respiratory problems. It has potassium and fibre that helps to have a good digestion. With mango you can control stomach acidity, strengthen bones and prevent anaemia.


Spicy ginger helps to break up phlegm so that it clears the respiratory tract and relieves symptoms of congestion. It also has analgesic, antipyretic and antibacterial properties.


This vegetable is ideal for strengthening the immune system thanks to its high vitamin A content, as well as vitamin C, which we have already seen is a great ally against this type of disease.

These are some of the more than 25 different 100% natural fruits and vegetables that you can find in our Healthy Frozen Fruit Smoothies with IQF Technology and our Cold Press natural juices.

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