New Smoothies

New Smoothies

New Smoothies

This week we have started making new Smoothies and milkshakes for 2019. As every year the INNOVATION & QUALITY department develops new flavours to include in our menu.

Taking into account the trends and tastes of consumers, our sommelier, Lorena Ríos, together with the Innovation department, are preparing the new flavours that we will be able to enjoy in 2019. During the months of December and January the department will work on the new Smoothies.

Lorena is one of the sommeliers of this country with the greatest national projection and in addition to collaborating with ZUMit, Lorena works in projects as important as the restaurant of the Hotel Arts managed by the chef Sergi Arola.
Always get the same experience.

The process of elaboration of our Smoothies is fundamental to enjoy the experience of having a fruit and/or vegetable smoothie, since the selection of the ingredients and the correct percentage is the key to achieve a ZUMit Smoothie.


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