Granola, a great food with many benefits

Granola, a great food with many benefits

In recent years we have been experiencing a change in our lifestyle habits, seeking to strengthen and improve our well-being. We are increasingly concerned about having healthy habits such as a good diet, daily exercise, etc. This is one of the reasons why we look for supplements for our daily diet, and one of these supplements that can help us to lead a healthy life are granolas.

At breakfast, granola can provide us with a large amount of nutrients that will keep us satiated until the next meal. In addition, its fibre content balances bowel function and prevents constipation.

It has become fashionable to eat granola for breakfast, not only because it is delicious and you can find a wide variety, but also because it is one of the healthiest, most nutritious and energetic breakfasts we can have.

Granolas can be eaten by everyone, from the youngest to the oldest in the house, as they have many health benefits.

Benefits of granola


Fibre is a vegetable component that will improve your digestive system, give you the satiety you need so that you don’t want anything else and so you can stick to the diet you have set yourself. Oats are a healthy fibre that is absorbed slowly as it enters the stomach and at the same time speeds up the functioning of the intestines. That is why fibre is one of the main benefits of granola.

Healthy Fats

The mixture of oats, almonds and walnuts will lower your cholesterol and blood pressure levels and your heart will thank you for it. In addition, you get omega-3, which is a fatty acid that stimulates brain function.


You can’t imagine how many minerals granolas have, they will provide you with magnesium, which is good for muscle function, for the immune system and strengthens bones; phosphorus, which is very important for the kidneys and for protein production.

It also has selenium, zinc, copper and manganese, all of which will keep the blood flowing properly through your body, regulates thyroid function and helps to regulate your thyroid function.


Granola has an important amount of vitamins such as vitamin E, which helps us to strengthen our immune system, vitamin B, which gives energy to the metabolism, regulates the nervous system and if you are pregnant it will help your baby to develop healthily.

You already know the benefits of eating granola for breakfast, just add it to your breakfast, go to our website and choose the one you like the most. Comment on our social networks which one is your favourite or how you like to drink it.

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