Deep-frozen fruit vs fresh fruit. What is the IQF method?

Deep-frozen fruit vs fresh fruit. What is the IQF method?

La fruta Ultracongelada vs Fruta Fresca. ¿Qué el método IQF?

In this post we are going to explain a little bit more about the IQF deep-freezing method, and why IQF frozen fruit can be even better than fresh fruit.

How do you freeze fruit?

The IQF method involves placing the fruit individually on a conveyor belt and giving it a cold shock that freezes the fruit quickly and immediately, from the core outwards.

The IQF fruits are picked at their optimum state of ripeness, and then quickly deep-frozen so that the fruit retains its shape. The IQF* process (Individual Quick Freezing) preserves the properties and nutrients of the fruit NO preservatives or chemicals added.

Vitamin content: Deep-frozen fruit retains vitamins for longer thanks to the quick-freezing technology. In most cases, deep-frozen fruit has a higher nutritional value than fresh fruit found in shops and has artificially ripened while being stored and transported to the shop.

Hygiene: Working at extremely cold temperatures eliminates the risk of dangerous micro-organisms forming in the process. It also has a shelf life of 24 months.

Thanks to the advantages of this quick freezing process we can enjoy fruit and vegetables in our smoothies of very high quality and delicious!

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